
Privacy and Security

Privacy & Security

Your privacy is important to us at This Policy explains how Lhmaa collects, uses, discloses, and retains your information. We may change or add to this Privacy Policy, so we encourage you to review it periodically and check for updates when you provide us with additional personal information.

This Privacy Policy identifies:

 Why Lhmaa collects your personal information;

• What do you do with the information that you collect from me when I purchase a product;

• Why do we require your email address;

• What about cookies and other technologies;

• How do you make sure my credit card information is secure;

• How do you keep my information discreet on my credit card statement and shipping box;


Why Lhmaa Collects Your Personal Information?

We collect information from you to provide you with an engaging, safe, convenient and personalized online shopping experience and the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We may retain certain personal information to improve the personalization of your subsequent visits. We also collect information from you online to comply with our legal and contractual obligations and facilitate transactions. We also collect personal information to prevent, deter, and detect criminal activities and other wrongful conduct online. We may collect your personal information for promotional purposes.

How to Delete Your Information: We respect your right to privacy and data protection. You can request to delete your personal information, by emailing with your Full Name as it appears on your account and your email address with a subject line "Account Data Deletion Request". 

Deletion requests are typically handled within a 48 hour period. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


What do you do with the information that you collect from me when I purchase a product?

All sales information is kept confidential and is used only for reporting purposes at We DO NOT sell or distribute this information in any form to 3rd parties.

Authenticated visitation data collected by Google signals and associated with Google user accounts may be shared with Google for analytical purposes.


Why do you need my email address?

Your email address is used only to communicate with you directly and efficiently. It will be used to let you know that your order has been processed, your product(s) have been shipped, and about updates to our product lines or website. You can remove yourself permanently from the email list at any time; simply contact us. To request data deletion, please email from the email address you are requesting to be deleted and your postal code for verification. Please note once this request is made, we will remove all your details from the database, and we won't be able to verify any warranty information, so please keep your original receipts.


What about cookies and other technologies?

Cookies are a method used to track a customer through their sales process for statistical and shopping cart purposes. We use this information to help us provide you with a better shopping experience; it is never shared with any 3rd party. For example, it has helped us create a system where you can purchase a product with fewer clicks, thus saving you time.


How do you make sure my credit card information is secure?

We use SSL (Secured Socket Layer) which encrypts the information that you input. This is the same level of protection banks and financial institutions use to ensure that your bank account information can be viewed online.


Opting Out

At any time, you can adjust how markets to you or even opt-out completely. To adjust your mailing preferences, simply log into your account and go to the Email Preferences section. Then select if you want to receive emails and how often you get them. When the checkmark is removed, you have successfully opted-out from those mailings. Please note that you will still receive emails regarding your order whenever you make a purchase.


How do you keep my information discreet on my credit card statement and shipping box?

We use a plain box and ship, Your credit card statement will also show Lhmaa.

If you have any further questions, please to contact us.

Last Updated: Au 2024